Finnish National Opera utilises Claypaky Xtylos

Mikki Kunttu brought Richard Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen, also known as the Ring tetralogy, to a conclusion at the Finnish National Opera with the performance of the near six-hour-long Götterdämmerung featuring Claypaky Xtylos. 

The first instalment of the Ring cycle, Das Rheingold, was performed at the Finnish National Opera in August and September 2019. The COVID pandemic delayed the second opera, Die Walkure, until autumn 2022, with performances of Siegfried following in March and April 2023.

The Ring’s lighting, sets and visuals were designed by Kunttu, Finnish Lighting and Set Designer. Kunttu has partnered with many dance artists and groups from Finland and abroad and has collaborated repeatedly with the Finnish National Opera and Ballet, Norwegian National Ballet, Royal Danish Ballet and The Boston Ballet.

Kunttu chose Claypaky Xtylos fixtures for their laser light source: “Xtylos delivered the laser-type light beam that I wanted for visual effects,” he said.

The fixture produces light beams in any colour desired, offers instant colour changing, additive colour mixing and pan/tilt speed.

For Götterdämmerung, Kunttu positioned the Xtylos on dollies on the floor where they proved to be “excellent fixtures for this application,” he reported. The Xtylos were provided by rental company Woodlite Sweden AB.

Götterdämmerung premiered May 17 2024 and ran from May 22 to June 4 2024. Finnish Broadcasting company Ylelivestreamed the opera beginning May 25 on the Finnish National Opera and Ballet’s global Stage24 platform where the earlier instalments of the Ring cycle are also available for viewing.