GLX Productions: Lighting without limits

Following a record-breaking year, GLX Productions hopes to challenge preconceptions about IP-rated solutions and increasingly foster a healthy working environment for staff and freelancers…

Making strides to reshape the conversation surrounding IP-rated lighting fixtures, GLX Productions has significantly grown its presence over the past year. This expansion includes hiring new staff, investing nearly £1m in new equipment, and relocating to larger warehouses – not once, but twice.

Speaking to TPi from the company’s base in Buckinghamshire, GLX Productions Director, Glenn Gridley underscored the firm’s dedication to fostering its broad network of freelancers and employees – underlining the importance of optimising their performance with the mutual expectation of benefitting each other. “We have come on leaps and bounds in recent years,” Gridley informed TPi, retracing the company’s eight-year-old mission statement. “We noticed there were many companies in the sector just offering standard lighting, so we quickly decided to solely supply IP lighting, which at the time, the market was only providing static flood and Pars.”

Words: Jacob Waite

Photos: GLX Productions