Grass Valley welcomes Alex Keighley back to Grass Valley

Grass Valley has announced the appointment of Alex Keighley as the new Senior Vice President of Sales for North America.

With a wealth of experience spanning both the media and technology sectors, Keighley brings a blend of industry knowledge and sales leadership to Grass Valley. Commenting on his appointment, Keighley shared his vision: “While media companies are navigating a challenging period with rapidly evolving technology and business models, it’s also a time of tremendous opportunity. They need trusted partners who can guide them through these transitions while ensuring they continue to deliver outstanding content. My mission is clear: to demonstrate that Grass Valley offers world-class technology, is the #1 trusted advisor for our customers, and that we are the technical and business partner they can rely on.”

“One of the most important responsibilities of a sales leader—or any leader—is to enable their team and everyone around them to deliver their best results,” Keighley commented. “My priority will be to ensure we have the best people in the right roles, equipped with the tools and resources they need to deliver for our customers and achieving the company’s goals.”

Keighley’s professional journey is marked by two distinct careers. In the first half, he led sales teams for major media organisations, including Reuters during the dot-com era and the Associated Press’ EMEA commercial organisation during the initial wave of multimedia transformation. In recent years, Keighley held leadership roles at Avid and Telestream, most recently serving as Chief Revenue Officer of Backlight. He also led Grass Valley’s US West Sales team for five years prior to these roles, and now returns to lead the North America team as the industry enters another phase of change.

Tim Banks, Chief Revenue Officer at Grass Valley, welcomed Keighley’s return: “We’re thrilled to have Alex back at Grass Valley. His deep understanding of both our industry and our customers, coupled with his proven leadership, makes him the perfect fit to lead our North American sales efforts. We’re confident that under his guidance, we’ll continue to strengthen our position as the go-to partner for media organisations across the region.”