KLSTR: Next-generation connectivity for entertainment lighting

KLSTR Commercial Sales Developer, Luke Edwards, discusses how networking is going to revolutionise lighting live shows in the future...

Which gap in the flourishing entertainment lighting market does KLSTR fill?

“Our goal is to make managing lighting fixtures simple for everyone. We created KLSTR.nano and KLSTR.one hardware that is built into the lighting fixture. Combining this with our KLSTR.ctrl application gives lighting technicians the tools they need to handle the complexities of modern fixtures and lighting rigs. Our vision starts with letting end users easily know and see the location of their fixtures based on their cable topology. Only assign a fixture ID, autopatch or upload a MVR file and your setup is completely configured.”

What is the vision behind the company’s various offerings?

“Our company was founded five years ago with a clear mission: to make networking technology accessible for everyone. Like many others in our industry, the COVID-19 pandemic had a significant impact on KLSTR. During this time, we came up with the concept KLSTR.nano, which is based on DMX and RDM and enables the same timesaving workflow. This innovation helped us complete our ecosystem.”

Why is networking an increasingly important factor to consider for lighting specialists?

“The complexity of lighting fixtures, different modes, and the number of channels per light make the 512 channels per universe limit increasingly restrictive. Transitioning to Ethernet networks seems logical, but it introduces many additional configuration steps and potential issues like IP addressing, sync problems, and other complex Ethernet settings. Setting up a show can become so complicated that it almost requires an IT technician. KLSTR eliminates all of this hassle.However, we believe DMX will always have a place in our industry due to its backward compatibility and cost-effectiveness. KLSTR.nano enhances the current technology without rendering it obsolete. We envision a future where both systems work together seamlessly and efficiently.”

KLSTR.nano Ayrton Cobra Retrofit.

How will KLSTR innovations benefit lighting specialists on the road?

“KLSTR is designed to help system technicians bring the lighting rig online much faster. This allows lighting designers to do what they are passionate about. The faster the lighting rig is online, the faster the designer can be creative and get the maximum out of their design. As KLSTR is fully based on MVR and GDTF it enables a seamless workflow where KLSTR is the missing link between visualisation software, the console and the real rig.”

Will this change the way lighting specialists approach their show designs?

“As KLSTR simplifies setting up lighting systems, manufacturers are also no longer bound when creating their new fixtures. This will result in even more exciting options and lights  for designers. KLSTR therefore empowers designers to focus more on creativity and less on technical constraints, leading to more impactful and dynamic shows.”

Where are we likely to see KLSTR in the coming months?

“We will be active on several stages of Tomorrowland 2024, so follow our socials to discover more!”
