LD Systems adds Ayrton Rivale Profiles to its Inventory

LD Systems has invested in 26 Ayrton Rivale Profiles.

The purchase marks the first by LD Systems in the current Ayrton product line; the company already has Ayrton WildBeam effects lights. The acquisition, the first IP-rated profile fixture for LD Systems, will be used for its production work and be available to rental clients.

“We were in the market for a mid-range profile that was IP rated,” said Nathan Brittain, Lighting and Rigging Operations Manager for LD Systems. ”Previously, it seemed that you had to compromise to get a fixture with an IP rating, but we knew that new IP-rated lights had come out and at LDI we homed in on three or four.

“In ACT’s LDI booth, the Rivale profile stood out, especially for its output: the beam seemed to punch way above its weight,” he continued. “After the show, ACT shipped us a demo unit that we tested against some other fixtures, and it won out for its output, design and size. The Rivale had an amazing output for such a compact, lightweight fixture.”

Brittain saw the Rivales filling the gap for LD Systems’ mix of clients, including festivals and special outdoor events where their IP65 rating came in handy.  Although the company just took delivery of the fixtures, they have already been dispatched on a number of projects, including a nighttime event at the San Antonio Zoo where they illuminated buildings and landscaping.

The Rivales were utilised outdoors and indoors for The Houston Symphony Orchestra’s ”Strauss Festival: Salome in Concert.” They illuminated the exterior of Jones Hall, home of the Symphony, and were hung on the downstage FOH truss for the joint orchestral-opera performance.

The new fixtures also lit the stage for hip-hop headliner Macklemore whose performance concluded day two of LIV Golf’s tournament stop at The Golf Club of Houston.

“Ayrton has an established name and user fan base, so we see no issues with acceptability for the Rivales,” reported Brittain. “We believe everyone will be excited to use them.”
