NEXO rental partners to the rescue after fire at Serenityaudio

NEXO rental partners have rallied around Serenityaudio after a fire at their base in Chippenham. 

When Serenityaudio’s Danny Kitainik finished prepping his NEXO inventory on July 2nd for a busy weekend of gigs, he could have loaded the truck that evening but the team were ahead of schedule and the load up could wait until tomorrow.

Within half an hour of arriving home that evening, Kitainik got a call that a fire had started in the garage premises next door and spread quickly to his unit. His NEXO inventory was a total loss.

“We had bookings for a celebrity cricket match, quickly followed by Biddstock Festival on the weekend and my first thought was that I can’t let my clients down” reported Danny. “But with less that 2 days before the first event, things were looking difficult.”

Chris Hooke at Swansea-based Total Sound Solutions heard about Kitainik’s dilemma and spread the news.

“Within 24 hours I had nearly all the NEXO gear I needed from Chris, with NEXO monitors from John Tinline at Encore Sound” said Kitainik. “I didn’t even have to go and collect anything. And I got offers of help from Robert Nisbet at EPS and others that I didn’t need to call on, but I’m very grateful for, nonetheless.”

“All the jobs went perfectly. Chris and the wider NEXO rental community really came through for us and we’re humbled by the offers of help and support from our network of friends and peers. We couldn’t have done it without them,” Kitainik concluded.