NEXO sound powers TPi Awards

Back to its traditional date in February, the TPi Awards is a much-loved fixture in the calendar for professionals working behind the scenes in the world of live touring, providing an ideal opportunity to meet up with colleagues and friends before the busy touring season commences.

This year’s ceremony welcomed more than 1,600 people to Evolution London, with awards presented for excellence in no less than thirty sectors ranging from tour, production and stage management, through set design and construction to lighting design and sound engineering.

A large and prestigious event, and one with a particularly discerning audience, sound for the TPi Awards was entrusted as usual to Derby-based Sound of Music Ltd who deployed an entirely NEXO-based loudspeaker system covering the main event space, guest bar and additional VIP bar areas.

“The main system consisted of a NEXO GEO M12 line array configured as two main left / right hangs of six elements, two centre-fill hangs of three elements and two delay hangs of three elements” reported Sound of Music owner, Sash Pochibko. “The low frequency was supplemented by a 12 NEXO MSUB18 sub-array positioned under the stage.

“We used additional NEXO P10 and P8 front-fill / out-fill point source cabinets to cover the tables nearest the stage. All NEXO elements were powered and processed by NXAMPMk2 amplifiers. The VIP mezzanine area had discrete P10 / P8 systems installed while the main guest bar area sound reinforcement was covered by four P12 and four ID24 flown from the trusses surrounding the bar. Four L15 sub-bass cabinets provided an abundance of LF extension for the after-show party.”

Every event presents its own challenges and the TPi Awards is no different. “It’s a constant battle with Lighting and Video for real estate, both in terms of sight lines and weight loading in the roof” explained Pochibko. “The GEO M12 system is very weight efficient and packs a lot of punch per Kg compared to a lot of large format systems. This is the fifth time we have supplied audio for the TPi Awards at Evolution Battersea and we’ve got a formula which works.”

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