Hugo von Hofmannsthal’s Medieval morality play Jedermann has become a legendary and classic centrepiece of the world-renowned Salzburg Festival. First performed in 1920 – directed by Max Reinhardt – when the festival was inaugurated, it has been staged most years since then in the city’s magnificent Domplatz (Cathedral Square).
2024 saw the staging of a new version created by Canadian Director and Scenographer, Robert Carsen and Costume Designer, Luis Carvalho. Lighting was designed by Carsen and Giuseppe di Iorio, with the latter specifying Robe iFORTE LTXs to deal with all the essential key lighting needed to bring the work alive and disrupt preconceptions about how the play can be presented.
di Iorio, an Italian LD based in Lisbon and lighting many opera productions, has collaborated on several previous projects with Carsen. He specified 16 iFORTE LTXs, supplied by Bari, Italy-based rental company Lucidiscena.
Lucidiscena in turn invested in the fixtures especially for this work, purchasing from Robe’s Italian distributor, RM Multimedia. The company’s CEO Pino Loconsole was equally stoked to be involved.
Lucidiscena was working directly for producer Moritz Hauthaler. The show’s technical director was Andreas Zechner and the head of lighting for the Festival was Hubert Schwaiger, and thanks to “their excitement and commitment to our vision, Robert and I were able to deliver the show using these fantastic new Robe fixtures,” commented di Iorio.
di Iorio was acutely aware that he “needed exactly the right tools,” which meant bright keys with a high CRI. Being outdoors during the European summer, IP rated fixtures were – naturally – a “no-brainer”.
Ahead of the production, di Iorio met with Loconsole – the two have also worked together for some time – and the team from RM Multimedia and looked at the newest moving lights available from Robe and decided that the iFORTE LTX was exactly what he needed. A long throw was essential, the lights needed to focus in on a mirror ball at one stage, so di Iorio was impressed with the zoom and zoom angle.
Carsen’s scenic design provided one starting point for the lighting, together with the site itself, which due to the layout, had certain preordained lighting rigging points plus other challenges like PA arrays obstructing several of these in the higher up positions. To circumvent this, di Iorio created two new steeper angled lighting positions either side of the stage for iFORTES which maximised coverage of the entire stage area, and more iFORTES were concentrated on the upper tribune positions at FOH.
He notes that they mixed well combined with other lights rigged on the original flatter angled towers, all of which assisted in evoking the very specific cinematic ambience that Robert wanted to achieve for the work.
As the festival this year also coincided with the summer Olympics in Paris, sourcing certain pieces of kit was quite challenging, so while ideally di Iorio would have liked to use more Robe fixtures, he had to include others on the plot as he also had to light the cathedral façade and other elements around the audience area.
Most of the 50 or so fixtures were lifted to the roof positions with the assistance of a crane.
di Iorio has previously used the standard FORTES and ESPRITES, and the ESPRITE is one of his go-to fixtures for indoor projects. He likes the CMY mixing as the power of the white source LED.
He noted that there is always a mix of skin colours on the Salzburg chorus, and with up to almost 90 people onstage at times, it’s essential to have a “nice clean full spectrum lightsource like the iFORTE LTX where the tones remain constant at different intensities.”
He generally prefers lighting with more minimalist and through-through designs, where fixtures can be multifunctional and there is the opportunity to really drill down into the detail and finesse of the art.
He describes this style of lighting as ‘hybrid’, taking techniques from rock ‘n’ roll for the earlier parts of the play, gradually ramping up to be more theatrical and operatic in the final scenes. “Having that identical quality of light from the LTXs was invaluable in building this treatment,” he stated. “The light can be soft and understated when it needs to be, but then always deliver that extreme power when needed.”
All the lighting was programmed on site during 10 designated focus sessions and some inevitable interruptions due to rain. In case of rain, the show also had to be rigged and rehearsed for the 500 capacity indoor venue as well, adding to the logistics and the pressure during the rehearsal and tech periods. After press night, the outdoor and outdoor show lighting was run by operators from the festival crew.
di Iorio is highly selective about the fixtures he uses, and Robe is a regular brand on his specs. He thinks the BMFL is a great fixture and Spiiders are another workhorse. He was one of those influencing the purchase of Spiiders by the Copenhagen Royal Ballet for some of their FOH positions after a production of Raymonda at the Royal Danish Ballet, directed by Nikolaj Hubbe which was revived this summer.
Loconsole is also passionate about lights and puts much thought and research into his investments. He was delighted to win the pitch to provide lights for Jedermann at the 2024 Salzburg festival, working with di Iorio again.
“We needed a profile luminaire that could punch in from the front about 60 to 70m from the stage, and when I saw the iFORTE LTX, I immediately knew it would be the perfect solution for this job, so I proposed Giuseppe also looked at them and he agreed,” he explained.
“I think it is a fantastic fixture,” he stated. “Very powerful, with high quality colour and graphics. Currently it is the best high power profile luminaire on the market – that’s why I decided to buy more. I’m sure they will not be the last either because the requests for them keep coming in and increasing every day!”