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​Current​ ​RMS Announce New Features

Current RMS users are celebrating the release of 2 brand new features, Global Check-in and Discussion Templates.

The Global Check-in feature allows users to check-in assets across multiple jobs, all from one screen. The feature will speed up the checking in process by allowing users to scan in multiple assets across different jobs all from one screen, especially helpful when multiple jobs are running simultaneously, and kit needs to get back on the shelf as quickly as possible.

R&B Group’s Bryan Skipsey, explained: “Before Global Check-In the checking in procedure was good but having to know the exact Opportunity the equipment came from could prove tricky especially when doing multiple collections or if numerous events came back at once. Now it doesn’t matter, you just scan the barcode and Current does the searching for you in an instant. A great addition to a great product.”

This feature request was the top idea on Current’s Customer Wishlist, so the team are extremely happy to have this feature out of the door, for all users to enjoy straightaway. Another seamless update, Discussion Templates, gives Current RMS users more flexibility with their outbound communication. Allowing all messages sent from Current to be customised, Discussion Templates make it easy for company branding, standard replies and other email communication tools to be applied with no fuss. Users can assign templates to certain areas of the system, ensuring all information they need is at hand. It’s another tweak that paves the way for more intuitive, company-friendly software that knows the importance of communicating easily with customers.

“The new discussion templates are fantastic, we now have more consistency between discussions and our own emails!” exclaimed Joe Sandford-Hughes, M5 Audio & Events Current recently exhibited at PLASA London 2017.

The venue allowed visitors a chance to ask specific questions about the feature and find out what’s next in the pipeline for Current. To find out more about both new feature releases, check out Current RMS’ What’s New page. For a guided tour, book a free online demo with the team today.

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