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AV Center Chooses Robe DL4S Profiles

From left to right: Jens Hansen (AV Center), Jimmy Sorensen (Light Partner), Jesper Laursen General Manager AV Center), Johan Kvartborg (Light Partner) and Kristian S. Nielsen (AV Center).

Danish technical production design and rental company AV Center has purchased 17 new Robe DL4S RGBW LED profile fixtures, which were delivered by Robe’s Danish distributor, Light Partner.

The company has five bases in Denmark at Odense, Aarhus, Copenhagen, Aalborg and Kolding, which means they can quickly and practically service any project anywhere.

The independently owned company was founded 20 years ago and now has 35 full time staff and a large team of regular freelancers engaged on an array of jobs in all sectors reaching across Scandinavia and the rest of Europe – from music concerts to conferences.

AV Center’s Jens Hansen is one of the rental technicians based in Odense and is also a Lighting Designer. He explained that the company was impressed by the finesse and style of the DL4S Profile as well as all the traditional Robe characteristics like bright output, robust build and good engineering. With Denmark being one of the greenest countries in Europe, the LED concept is also popular.

“The DL4S Profile will become our new workhorse product,” he stated, adding that there has been a lot of buzz about the fixture throughout the country, and the wireless capabilities are also popular. “We expect this fixture to do really well,” he confirmed.

They were also impressed by the light weight, the silent running, the framing shutters, the smooth colour mixing and superior dimming curve of the DL4S Profile. Furthermore, they like the excellent gobo selection and the colours, which also compliment those of the other Robe units in stock including their MMX Spots.

The 22.7kg weight means that it can be rigged easily and quickly in numerous environments and scenarios. “It’s very flexible,” said Hansen.

AV Center’s new DL4S Profiles went straight out on a conference staged at the Hilton hotel in Copenhagen, and have been constantly on other jobs ever since.

AV Center first invested in Robe fixtures around 10 years ago with ColorSpot 250E ATs. In the last four years, they have looked at Robe again and purchased MMX Spots and LEDWash 600’s.

Ongoing back-up and support is equally as important as having the right products on-board, and AV Center has a great working relationship with Light Partner. Hansen commented: “The service is superlative and the guys are really brilliant and knowledgeable.”

The two companies have been doing business since AV Center started, and the relationship has steadily built and strengthened. Light Partner also offers comprehensive free training, on all its products including Robe, which is rare.

He thinks Robe’s reputation has increased dramatically in recent years: “All LDs are now happy to accept Robe and very often it’s the first brand they request”.

Their LEDWashes and MMX Spots were recently in action on TV show Landsindsamlingen a charity fundraiser live broadcast on national TV2, for which Jens was the LD.

AV Center works with the Odense Symphony Orchestra – one of the largest and most respected in the country – and now with the DL4S Profile, they have a fixture that can be used for orchestral shows without the worry of creating ambient noise, which can break concentration or the ‘moments’ of the performance. The LDs for the orchestra are usually either Hansen or another full time technician / LD, Kristian Nielsen.

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