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CAST Group CEO Stuart Green takes the hot seat

CAST's new CEO, Stuart Green.

How does it feel to assume the role and responsibilities of CEO at CAST?

“Taking on the role of CEO at CAST is an exciting and challenging opportunity at a time when the industry is transitioning through a period of significant change. I have been involved with the company for more than 16 years and have witnessed, first hand, how Gil Densham pioneered some of the most advanced innovations in the industry. I am very excited to shape CAST’s future to deliver a lasting impact on the industry. With a team of exceptional individuals, CAST will continue to grow through the development of innovative products for the entertainment industry.”

What have you learned from the previous CAST CEO, Gil Densham?

“Gil Densham has been a mentor and role model in my journey to becoming a CEO. In the many years I have known him, he has taught me invaluable lessons about leadership, communication and innovation. Taking calculated risks, and staying focused on long-term goals, he has always put an emphasis on the greater good and best interest of the industry, while allowing people to be more creative and innovative by realising efficiencies through our technologies.”

How have the past few years been for CAST? 

“CAST, like many companies in the industry, was impacted by supply chain issues forcing us to think differently and adapt to an ever-changing landscape. Although it has been challenging at times, COVID-19 has taught us some important lessons that have contributed towards our roadmap for the future. It quickly became evident that we wouldn’t be able to operate in the way we always had, we had to be agile and increase our creativity. Adapting, reallocating resources and developing innovative solutions and strategies has enabled us to remain competitive, continuing to provide quality products, services and support during these trying times. Ultimately, the last few years has taught us that we must be open to change.” 

 What lies ahead for the company? 

“CAST continues to develop innovative solutions. We are really excited to launch a new version of BlackTrax. BlackTrax BT-1 is a compact and affordable single integration tracking solution designed for small to medium size projects that delivers the same precision, control capabilities and reliability as BlackTrax in an easily portable kit. Blacktrax BT-1 opens up the world of lighting, media and audio automation to a whole new market of customers who may have previously thought this sort of technology was out of their reach.

“Wysiwyg is undergoing an evolution, with an accelerated road map already in place for 2024, to coincide with the 30th anniversary of CAST. Wysiwyg 2024 will remain true to the original values of the product which is to provide designers and programmers with the most complete, all-in-one lighting design software for the entertainment industry whilst delivering the tools they need for the future.With focus on innovation, there is no doubt that CAST will be at the forefront of automation and previsualisation in the years to come.”

This article originally appeared in issue #275 of TPi, which you can read here.

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