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CAST Software inspires scholars with BlackTrax roadshow

CAST Software inspires students to be 'future-ready' with BlackTrax.

CAST Software is inciting curiosity about automation of lighting, media, or audio, students in the UK following recent roadshows led by BlackTrax Specialist, Tom Boucher, in awe of the creative possibilities BlackTrax offers to live event professionals.

When entering the workforce, two important things on a resume are industry-ready skills and hands-on experience. More than ever, exposure to BlackTrax is relevant for students looking to build careers in live events, theatre, and broadcast. They learn about endless possibilities before leaving the classroom. This gives rise to a new generation of well-trained, easily employable creatives that are experienced and creatively trained to think beyond prior traditional limitations.

“Taking BlackTrax into an educational environment has introduced students to technology that they will come across in the workforce. It has given students the ability to create scenarios, ask questions and really get to grips with BlackTrax as a system and the numerous integration possibilities,” said Boucher.

Many questions were answered, and BlackTrax’s system was put to the test, right down to students calibrating a BlackTrax Real system themselves and learning how to get their Educational WYSIWYG license.

“I really enjoyed using the BlackTrax system, I thought it was intuitive and relatively easy. I had a lot of fun playing around and doing the testing with the system. The teaching style was excellent with relevant information. Tom was open to answering all and any questions relating to my dissertation. The visit was massively beneficial, my dissertation probably would have fallen flat on its face without it!” enthused Jamie Lawrence, Student attending Confetti, University of Nottingham.

“It was superb having BlackTrax in The Lir Academy working with our final year technical students. The training they received with Tom provided them with a huge opportunity to work with not only great industry professionals but also with top-of-the-line technology. The students taking part in the training are entering the industry with a higher level of understanding of the application of this technology in the larger industry, but also within their own practice as they go out into the professional world,” commented a spokesperson from The Lir Academy.

If you’d like more information about BlackTrax, wysiwyg, and our Educational Programs, contact:

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