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RCF Triumphs at Kentucky Open Days

RCF’s drive to emulate the success of the inaugural open day at Gateshead Sage in March 2018, by staging a similar southern event at Guildford’s G Live paid handsome dividends earlier this month.

Set over 2 sessions, RCF partner Yes Production, rigged a number of the Italian company’s favourites, ranging from line arrays and subs, point source solutions, portable speakers and mixing desks, hosting a steady flow of current and potential rental customers and resellers eager to sample the company’s wares.

Commenting on the event, UK Sales Manager, Dean Davoile, said: “We had a very successful two days. The venue was perfect and the ability to demonstrate a couple of flown large line arrays as well as multiple smaller point source systems worked really well.”

With the line arrays in mind, Davoile was aware that this was the first opportunity for those in the southern half of the country to hear the groundbreaking new HDL6-A and HDL30-A D-Line series speakers in a real-world situation. The systems were flown, with an array of SUB 9006-AS subwoofers along the front of the stage.

Yes director Tom Chennells had earlier selected the 1000-seat venue for its excellent acoustics.  “The various systems on show were met with very positive comments, most notably visitors remarking on the amazing room-filling sound from the tiny HDL6-A line array,” he noted.

“This is fast becoming an industry workhorse due to its small footprint, very low weight and high SPL with exceptional intelligibility achieved with the help of the onboard FiRPHASE filtering.” As expected, this proved to be the real crowd-pleaser, along with the larger HDL 30-A, which was also flown and was used to demonstrate RDNet (RCF’s control and monitoring platform).

RCF’s aforementioned FiRPHASE filter technology, with which these systems are also equipped, was also fully explained, with RCF’s Technical Sales Manager, Mick Butler in permanent demo mode at the mixing desk while Davoile and Regional Sales Manager, Chris Fearn were running through pole-mounted and other mobile systems down on the stage. These included TTL6, floor monitors (NX10SMA and TT25CXA), EVOX J8 and JMIX8, and other point source favourites (NX32A/TTS15A and NX24A/SUB8003AS).

In conclusion, Tom Chennells said: “The demo days were also a great opportunity for Yes as a rental partner to strengthen its ties with RCF and catch up with some other like-minded professionals. Networking is such an important part of our industry and sharing knowledge and experience over a coffee whilst getting the opportunity to listen to some amazing speakers in a great venue is obviously an excellent way to do it!”

And the final word came from Dean Davoile: “We are now looking forward to working with G Live and Yes Production for our next Southern demo day, maybe as early as Autumn 2018.”

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