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Robe Celebrates 20 Years of Disco with Alcazar

Robe MegaPointes  - Alcazar 'Farewell' Tour, Louise stickland

For the final outing ,Swedish disco sensation, Alcazar called on the creative talents of Lighting Designer, Palle Palme, who applied his golden magic dust to the mix and created a stunning lighting show with 58 Robe MegaPointes.

Palme, who has worked worldwide on theatre, ballet and musical shows, was asked to imagine something special for the landmark occasion. It was the first time he’d ever worked on an Alcazar tour, and the first time he used MegaPointes in a design, although he’s no stranger to Robe, having used BMFLs, Spiiders and LEDWashes and other products in his work for some time. Palme revealed that he’d been wanting to use the MegaPointe ever since he’d first seen a demo at the end of 2017. He was just waiting for the appropriate show, and Alcazar was an ideal opportunity.

He said: “It’s a powerful compact fixture with fantastic gobos and zoom, and out of all the ‘hybrid’ fixtures that have come to market to date… it’s easily the best.”

The set was created by Tino Rivero which included risers, a central staircase and a large upstage LED screen. So Palme chose to use a larger lighting rig to complement the LED screen and give the band a good send off. With MegaPointes being equally efficient and effective in beam, spot or wash mode, his 50 luminaires were effectively tripled to 150 lights. The MegaPointes were positioned all over the overhead trusses with 18 on the floor, including a row in front of the set risers and two lines either side of the stage to provide cross lighting for the three members of Alcazar and seven dancers.

It was an up-tempo set, so Palme started with a different base look for each number. With the MegaPointes positioned around the performance space, he was also able to change the shape and architecture with beam technology and lighting looks. Everything was vibrant, fun and bold. Even Palle was surprised at the abundance of options whilst programming the show during production rehearsals at Subtopia in Stockholm.

In addition to the MegaPointes, there was eight Robe profile moving lights, four Minuit Une laser effects, a load of LED battens – which a were used for back-lighting the set and central staircase and two nine-lites were located behind the video wall which opened in the middle for the stage entrances and exits. The lighting equipment was being supplied by the Live Production Group (LPG).

Palme was joined by Marcus Nordenberg -who he has worked on various productions with previously- who operated the show, running it on an MA Lighting grandMA2.

Palme was impressed by the results from working with the Robe MegaPointes and hopes to use them again in other projects he will be working on.

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