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Robe Pulls out of Rescheduled Prolight + Sound 2020

Robe will no longer be participating in the rescheduled Prolight+Sound expo in Frankfurt, Germany, due to take place 26 – 29 May 2020.

The decision was based on putting the health and safety of Robe’s employees, business partners, customers and trade visitors to the fore.

“The latest Covid-19 developments in Europe and the potential threat for those travelling to Frankfurt from around the world have led us to take a sensible and measured decision after considering the current facts and the dramatic spread of the virus,” commented Robe CEO Josef Valchar.

“I am sure that the industry will pull together to get through these challenging times. Prolight+Sound is the busiest and most important European trade show for us in terms of the rental and staging sectors, and an important showcase for new and emerging technology.

“We look forward to being back in 2021 to enjoy the dynamic mix and positive energy once again!” Valchar concluded.

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