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Robe Spec’d for Martin Garrix Tour

Photo: Louis Van Baar

Netherlands-based Martin Garrix premiered a large part of his debut album this year during a main stage set at ULTRA Miami, which was also the first show to feature a new production design by Michael Fullman, creative director of LA based design and interactive technology specialist, VT Pro Design.

The lighting specification for this design was based on Robe moving lights, with 28 x BMFL Spots and 68 Pointes topping the rider. Currently, the tour is working as an advanced design, with all kit provided worldwide by local vendors.

The BMFL Spots make up the bulk of the overhead fixtures while the Pointes are mainly located on the multi-tiered deck. Between them, the two sets of luminaires provide a vibrant show to match the energy of Garrix’s performance.

Fullman explained that the BMFLs are the workhorse fixtures, doing beam and profile animations whilst filling the stage with colour and atmosphere, while the Pointes are used for complex beam patterns and intricate point-focus work.

The set is punctuated throughout with lighting and video accents and moments of visual power when all media elements are communicating in unison.

BMFL’s were chosen for their speed, colour and animations. “They are incredibly bright and dynamic for the size of the fixture and work beautifully with the rest of the rig,” said Fullman, whereas the Pointes are used because of the tight beam, speed and the accuracy of the optics.

On a recent show at the Tauron Arena in Kraków, 90 Robe Spikies were used, supplied by rental company Transcolor, which were rigged in pods and configured as a grid around a plus-shaped LED wall.

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