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Robe WOWS the Crowds

Photo: Rik Uyttersprot

Lighting Designer Rik Uyttersprot from GRAViTY Design injected an edgy and raw lighting aesthetic to help showcase the stark bare stage production values of WOW at the Kortrijk Xpo in Belgium.

The performance comprised over 50 dance segments which were presented at the end of year work by classic and contemporary students from the Pirouette Dans School, one of the most famous dance and choreographic academies in Belgium.

Beautifully woven into the intense action and drama were 20 Robe Spiider LED wash beams and 48 Robe LEDBeam 150 moving lights, part of a brand new purchase by Roeselare-based lighting rental company La Strada Fashion, delivered by Robe’s Benelux distributor, Controllux.

Uyttersprot has lit the annual Pirouette Dans show for over a decade and has worked with La Strada Fashion, which is owned by Roland D’Hondt, for around 18 years. La Strada will frequently hire Rik to work on the design elements of their lighting and visual projects.

Robe Spiiders and LEDBeam 150s were dotted all over these and used for the top lighting – from creating beautiful intricate scenes to blunt single beams illuminating dancers, these units gave Uyttersprot all the dynamics he needed to light the diverse performance which plays three sold-out shows over a weekend every year; utilising 12 of La Strada Fashion’s old Robe ColorSpot 700E AT fixtures in the show.

“Every design for a show like this needs gobo breakup effects and they are still brilliant for this,” explained Uyttersprot.

Robe Spiiders have become a firm favourite to light runways during the fashion show season. Their precise colour temperature, high CRI and super-smooth hi grade LED sources make model-perfect face lighting and skin tones for the demanding fashion media facing off down the other end of the catwalk.

“The level of sophistication with the LED sources is also impressive now,” explained Uyttersprot. “You can have the softer tones of tungsten that everyone loves aesthetically as well as the crisp, brittle daylight that some designers want to show off the detail of their clothes on the catwalk – all from one fixture”.

The full extent of this most recent La Strada Fashion investment was 24 Robe Spiiders and 56 Robe LEDBeam 150s, seeking at CycFX 8s, MiniPointes and MegaPointes next.

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