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Robert Juliat Dalis Lights Florence + the Machine Tour

Dalis 862 Footlight - Florence and the Machine High as Hope tour, Luke Dyson

Lighting Designer, Tim Routledge, made brilliant and original use of Robert Juliat Dalis 862 Footlight fixtures on Florence and the Machine’s High as Hope tour, by utilising the 150W LED Dalis’ variable white tones to light the 8-strong band.

The English indie rock band’s eclectic music switches between the ethereal and the energetic, at times dreamy, or effervescent, with Routledge’s lighting marking out rhythmic beats or subtly backlighting the band and set.

On this occasion, Routledge worked alongside Show Designer, Willo Perron whose stunning wooden topographical stage design concealed 16 RJ Dalis 862 fixtures in wooden hides, through which the light filters lit the band members and backlit the set. RJ Dalis fixtures have a slimline, low profile body that rendered them unobtrusive on stage and ideal for concealing within set pieces. Routledge used two RJ Dalis battens to illuminate each musician from both sides and maximised the subtle colouring that was achieved with the variable white sources.

“The show is lit in three colours, tungsten, peach and rose gold, and the RJ Dalis fit beautifully in this world,” said Routledge. “By playing with cold and warm white and various accents, the Dalis gave us dynamic and unique key-lighting on each of the eight players. Moving from low, warm dimmed key light to strobing in cold white, we were able to achieve a huge range of looks out of what, at first glance, looks like a fairly simple unit.”

The RJ Dalis 862 fixtures for Florence + the Machine’s High as Hope tour were supplied, along with the full lighting inventory, by Premier Global Production of Nashville.

“I’m a huge fan of Dalis 862 having used them extensively on the Sam Smith World Tour, Stormzy and just recently, a few episodes of the XFactor UK,” said Routledge, who was announced as a finalist in the TPI Awards 2019 for his stunning lighting of Sam Smith’s World Tour. The winners will be announced at the TPI Awards in February 2019.

“We are delighted that Tim is such an advocate of our Dalis fixtures and it is very gratifying to see them used with such skill and subtly,” said Robert Juliat’s CEO, François Juliat. “We wish him good luck for the upcoming Awards and look forward to enjoying his future designs.”

Florence + the Machine completed the UK leg of their High as Hope tour in November 2018 before hitting the US in December 2018; they travelled across Australasia throughout January 2019 and return to Europe from March until August 2019 with RJ Dalis accompanying them all the way.

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