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The Show Goes on, BPM Makes Plans for the Future 

UK DJ show announces new Show Directors plus an October return

The future success of BPM, the UK DJ exhibition, was secured with the creation of a new company, BPM Shows, and a strategy for taking the show to new heights.

The announcement came in the wake of the extraordinary success of BPM 2018, which beat the odds to return in October 2018, drawing thousands of visitors to Birmingham’s Cranmore Park.

Accordingly, BPM 2019 will take place at Cranmore Park over the weekend of October 5th 2019 and October 6th 2019.

The resurgence of BPM followed the collapse of the show’s former owner and the rapid formation of a last-minute rescue plan by a number of affected companies who worked closely with Pete Williams of Mobile DJ Network. The result was BPM 2018, which avoided the expense and scale of the show’s recent past and instead turned the focus towards a less costly, more business-friendly environment. The results won universal praise from exhibitors and visitors alike and prompted the decision to form a long-term plan for the exhibition’s future.

That plan has now taken shape under the leadership of two new Show Directors, Steven Boys and Jack Wilson, both of whom brought a depth of events organisation experience which will propel BPM forward. They benefited from the support of a team of well-known industry figures, including Mark Parkhouse and Kris Dawber, who played key roles in the 2018 rescue plan. While MDJN will return its focus to supporting its membership, it will continue being an active participant and supporter of the show alongside developing exciting new services for 2019.

“We are very proud to officially announce the return of BPM, not as a last-minute rescue plan but an exhibition with a future and a strategy for supporting the industry,” commented new Show Director Jack Wilson. “Our plan is rooted in the success of 2018 – an affordable annual event that offers return on investment and which grows at the rate the industry needs. I’m delighted to say that the 2019 show is already almost entirely sold out. That’s a huge vote of confidence and we take that support very seriously.”

Steven Boys added: “We also want our visitors and the wider industry to let us know what they want from BPM. Those opinions are at the heart of making BPM a success and we would love to hear from you.”

Visitors to BPM 2019 should expect a who’s who of DJ specific audio and lighting companies plus full real-world demonstrations of the DJ kit you can’t find anywhere else. For full details including a list of exhibitors, and to book your tickets before they sell out, visit

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