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UK Festival Report at the UN Climate Change Summit in Paris

UK festival industry group Powerful Thinking launched an incisive environmental impact report, The Show Must Go On, detailing a cross-industry response to the global environmental challenge, with a vision for change, 26 November 2015.

The Show Must Go On was presented to the UN Climate Change Conference, Paris, December 2015, where 196 countries met to sign a new climate change agreement. It was first launched at the UK Festival Conference, 26 November at London’s Roundhouse.

The report’s authors hope that by presenting a concise overview and proposed roadmap for reduced carbon impact at festivals in-line with international targets, that the UK festival industry sector can lead by example in achieving impact reduction targets by 2025.

Based on the most extensive research to date analysing the carbon footprint caused by festivals in the UK, the report detailed the current impact of the UK festival sector. It covers the significant impact areas and discusses where there is potential for reduction.

There is a call for festivals to pledge their commitment to achieve a 50% reduction in green house gas emissions by 2025.

Chris Johnson of Powerful Thinking stated: “This is a critical moment for the future of the world and we believe it is important that the festival sector collectively accepts our responsibility, delivers our own reduction while showing our 3.17 million ticket buyers that they can also make a difference.”

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