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Zero 88 FLX S24 powers LightsOn’s post-lockdown projects

Warsaw-based LightsOn relies on the creative capabilities of a Zero 88 FLX S24 console to run a to run busy schedule of lighting projects. Inset: LightsOn Owner, Lukasz Brylski.

LightsOn, a lighting design and rental company based in Warsaw, Poland, relies on a Zero 88 FLX S24 lighting console to run a full schedule of spectacular event lighting.

LightsOn Owner, Lukasz Brylski, and his team typically supply creative lightshows for bands, DJs, smaller concerts, cultural and corporate events, weddings, and parties, with a constantly busy schedule of three or four events per week. Fully booked with shows and events for the rest of 2021 – as the industry gradually recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic-induced lockdown – LightsOn’s typical lighting set up features around 20 fixtures, including moving lights and LED sources, powered by a Zero 88 FLX S24.

Brylski likes many FLX S24 features, starting with its ease of use and logicality. “I can design and plan the show, then set up the console exactly as I like,” he stated. One of the many FLX S24 features he finds most helpful is the multi-touch interface, which means he can react immediately and spontaneously to the action happening onstage, matching it with appropriate lighting looks and effects.

Brylski has found Zero 88’s online training and tips videos “extremely helpful” in assisting the learning process and enabling him to maximize his new creative tool. “Good support is essential, and I think this content shows a great professional commitment by Zero 88,” he added.

Furthermore, he believes having the FLX S24 onboard has allowed him to be more creative in his work and, consequently, even grow his business. His crew also enjoys running shows with the console.

Before establishing LightsOn, Brylski worked as a technician and lighting programmer / operator for an events company and had used many other control consoles, none of which had met his expectations. He started LightsOn three years ago and spent a year scouting around for a control desk for his requirements. Zero 88 was recommended by several industry colleagues and influencers including sales specialist LFX Agency, from which he purchased the console that has proved “a perfect solution.”

Brylski loves producing imaginative light designs and seeing how people react to the drama and excitement that can be created with good and imaginative lighting, especially when working together with music. He enjoys seeing people have fun. “I love the job and I like being in control, so the FLX S24 gives me lots of opportunities for this and is one of the best investments I have made to date!”

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