Staging Rihanna’s Super Bowl LVII Halftime Show

TPi talks to those involved in the staging elements of one of the most talked-about halftime shows of all time.

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Although we’re based in the UK and admittedly don’t have the first clue about American football [it’s a bit like rugby, right?] There is one element of the sport that always grabs the attention of everyone in the TPi office: The Super Bowl Halftime Show. This year was no exception, with a small army of dancers joining Rihanna for a performance that not only took over the field but also the vertical space within the stadium.  

Using the world’s biggest stage to announce that she was pregnant with her second child, she would have been forgiven for producing a dialled-back performance. However, this couldn’t have been further from the truth, with the singer elevated several feet in the air on automated floating platforms as she blasted through her back catalogue spanning her decade-and-a-half career. 

Words: Stew Hume

Photo: Johnny Keirle, courtesy of L-Acoustics and TAIT