Younha brings NEXO to Seoul

Younha celebrated 20 years since her stage debut with concerts on 3 and 4 February at the 15,000 capacity KSPO Dome in Seoul. 

Titled ‘Twenty’, the concerts were among the first large-format popular music events to feature immersive sound, with Yamaha AFC Image creating a thrilling, 3-dimensional soundscape delivered by a total of 210 NEXO STM line array elements comprising 9 clusters of STM M48/B112 with M28 down fills hung across the front of the stage, supplemented by 3 x central clusters of 12 each STM S118 subs in an end fire configuration. Power and processing came from multiple Dante-equipped NEXO NUAR Universal Amp Racks.

The system was designed and deployed by local event sound specialists and STM rental partner Way Audio, where they used AFC-compatible NEXO NS-1 design and simulation software to configure the system which was tested and tuned at the warehouse for a period of a month leading up to the concerts.

At the KSPO Dome, a venue known for its challenging acoustics, each audience enjoyed immersive sound with sources dynamically mixed on 72 channels and localised within the space.

“When the performance began and the band began to play, a sound that no one expected burst out” commented Way-Audio Senior Engineer A-ram Nam. “The sense of positioning of the instrument properly arranged around the stage improved the separation of each instrument within the mix. After the performance, hundreds of reviews from general audience members commented on how they were impressed by the high level of sound quality.”