Martin P3 System Controller Software Version 5.3.0 is now available as a free update for the entire family of Martin P3 System Controllers.
The update introduces a range of features and improvements that benefit newer products such as the MAC Aura PXL, MAC Ultra and VDO Atomic Bold, as well as classic Martin products including VDO Sceptron, Exterior PixLine and VDO Fatron.
Highlights include:
Video input: The P3-PC System Controller now supports the industry-standard NDI protocol, allowing P3-PC to receive video-over-IP from various sources such as media servers, webcams and media players.
DMX/Art-Net/sACN input: sACN is added as input protocol on all P3 System Controllers, alongside DMX and Art-Net. Support for multi-universe Art-Net Sync and sACN Sync has been added as well.
DMX and Motion Patch: DMX & Motion View now includes an easy re-patch functionality and incoming universe status window. Additionally, it is now possible to run fixtures in “pure video mode”, not requiring any DMX controls to be patched.
Setup View: New features include Background Image Opacity Control, New Tools Menu, and Workspace Size Tooltips; the Renumber Tool and Quick Addressing Tool have been updated to improve workflows; and support for Active PDE Junction Box is added. Enable Magnified Fixtures now supports MAC Aura PXL, MAC Ultra and VDO Atomic Bold fixtures.
P3-PC-specific updates: The P3-PC System Controller is now using a new network driver, making it compatible with modern hardware.
Additional Enhancements: All latest Personality and Fixture Firmware files are added; Save options now include Save Backup in addition to Save As; fixture file sorting is now alphabetical; and the Edge Compensation window now indicates when selected fixtures do not have the same end compensation enabled.
“This software update brings significant new functionality, interface enhancements and workflow improvements to Martin’s P3 control platform,” said Wouter Verlinden, Martin Product Manager – Creative LED, Lighting & Control. “With more versatile control features, along with even more robust implementation of industry-standard protocols, lighting pros are able to work faster and manage large-scale systems with more ease. And, numerous P3-PC enhancements make that system more useful and powerful than ever before.”
The Martin P3 creative video and lighting platform, first introduced in 2008, is the industry-standard platform for bringing creative LED and lighting fixtures together onto a single visual canvas.
Martin P3 System Controller Software Version 5.3.0 is available for download here. Learn more about the Martin P3 creative video and lighting platform here.